martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Removing another significant obstacle in the European debt crisis: Why Spaniards have lost confidence in the European institutions?

Hace unas semanas me invitaron a participar como Delegado de estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología del centro asociado de Tenerife de la UNED, en el proyecto EURANET, en una entrevista de radio junto al compañero Carlos Carvajal (Delegado central de nuestra Facultad de la UNED). Incluyo transcripción de la entrevista que me realizaron.

Removing another significant obstacle in the European debt crisis: Why Spaniards have lost confidence in the European institutions?

24.10.2011 | Author(s): Elena Crespo (Reporter), Mitch Peters (Locuter), Beatriz Santamaría (Radio Tecnician), Carlos Carvajal and Javier Prieto (Interviews), Representatives of the Faculty of Politics at UNED | Editor(s): Anonymous User |

Since Spain is part of the EU, many Spanish who have a significant business in the European institutions. Javier Solana held the post of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs for ten years and Joaquín Almunia is European Comission Vice-President. Carlos Carvajal, Representative of the Faculty of Politics and Sociology at the UNED, explains their importance in UE.

With the crisis, the eurozone countries have adopted significant measures to ensure the sustainability of public finances which has resulted in discomfort and deterioration of confidence in EU institutions as Javier Prieto, Representative of the Faculty of Politics and Sociology at the UNED, in Tenerife, Canary Islands considers.
Another problem is the lack of knowledge and information. Many people think European institutions don´t address issues concerning them. In any case, political decisions are vital to mark the beginning of a new stage and improve the problems in the eurozone.

¿Por qué los españoles hemos perdido confianza en las instituciones europeas?

I think it is not only the spanish comunity as such, but all the people and countries of the european comunity that look up to these institutions with caution and requiring fast solutions. To solve this situation of extreme economic difficulties is within international coorporation itself, firstly within the countries of the European Union and then, with the rest of the international coMmmunity. The actual economic crisis has generated general escepticism but rather than talking about distrust within european institutions, the spanish coMmunity and the rest of europe, look up to these institutions with hope. Walking in the same direction is the only way for a quick recovery.

¿Por qué hay  una falta de conocimiento e información sobre las instituciones europeas?

There is  no knowledge, without information. Perhaps were talking about a basic tool from which the E.U. has always suffered from for example; the way individuals in a whole understand clearly the work that these institutions do, through there respective political representatives . There is no doubt that these institutions of the European Union. Are carrying out a lot of valuable work, but there is still a need for a defined path for this information to reach the comunity in an efficient and clear way. 

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